Quit Using Close Rate

Man standing thinking with question marks around his head

Close rate; you know, the percentage of appointments you run that end up in sales. If you are like most home improvement companies, you use this percentage to get a quick view of how your sales people are doing in the field.

Making Better Decisions

Cartoon man with head on head and briefcase thinking

In our last post we talked about the Sunk Cost Fallacy and how we, as decision makers, sometimes have a propensity for using the wrong information to power our choices. We thought it would be prudent to offer some ideas on how to overcome these obstacles. Not just for your home improvement business, but for your everyday life as well.

Contractors: Combine SEO Best Practices With Content Creation to Get More Leads

Illuminated keyboard showing a rainbow of reflected screen colors

Things are always changing in the SEO world and with how we communicate with people. No matter the changes, the number one thing to keep in mind is that Google is always looking for ways to make a better user experience. When you focus on your reader, provide high-value content and use SEO best practices, you will increase leads.

Do you know the REAL threat to your home improvement business’s data?

Cartoon Thief with Mask Stealing Computer

When you think about security, you probably think about “Mary’s” phishing email above, trying to get your info or weasel some cash through scams. The good news is, these scenarios are less likely to affect your home improvement business than you might think. The bad news is, there are MORE COMMON dangers your data could face that aren’t talked about as often.